Action Canada Events
February 12:
- Post-Secondary Service Providers Call
As part of Sexual Health Week 2024, Action Canada’s National Youth Advisory Board is hosting a roundtable call for people and groups who provide sexual health care at colleges and universities. Our goal is to connect (and connect with) service providers and educators from across the country. We want to hear everyone’s successes and challenges, and to create a stronger sexual health movement.
The roundtable will be held on Monday February 12th at 1pm EST over Zoom. This roundtable will be for one hour, and conducted in English.:
- REGISTER HERE: https://actioncanadashr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtf-qgqjssHNE_esadOuAY1hW9fHOBiygN
February 13:
- PHAC Webinar
Sexual Health Week 2024 – Sexual Health is for Everyone!
How health care providers can talk about sexual health as part of overall health and wellbeing.
We all have sexual health. Along with things like our physical health and mental health, sexual health is a normal part of our overall well-being. It’s connected to pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, sure, but it also impacts how we feel about our bodies, consent, pleasure, and more! As such, it’s important that we talk with clients about sexual health care and services as a regular part of our overall health.
This panel, hosted by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights as part of Sexual Health Week 2024, is a space to hear how health care providers, students, pharmacists, and researchers are working to create healthier, inclusive, sex-positive spaces for everyone – Because sexual health is for everyone.
- Leola Bouchard-Penagin RN, Matawa Health Co-operative
- Dr. Debbie Kelly, School of Pharmacy, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Michelle Lisonek, Canadian Federation of Medical Students
- Andrew Townsend, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
- Tuesday February 13th, 2024
- 3:00-4:00pm EST
Register here: https://hc-sc-gc-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jxMOOdtNRDqe_-LvwQLMsg
February 15:
- Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD) Event for Parliamentarians. This event is Invite Only.
Sexual Health Week Around the Country
February 17
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
Decolonizing Reproductive Justice – Indigenous Voices
Virtual Zoom Panel
Saturday, February 17, 2024
1 PM – 2:30 PM ET
Learn from our all-Indigenous panel about the colonial history of abortion and reproductive health care in Canada, and the need for reproductive health and justice for Indigenous people of all genders.
Speakers will individually share some knowledge and experience, engage in a discussion together, and answer audience questions.
Optional donation will cover honorariums for the speakers.
Visit https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/activist-workshops/decolonizing-rj-indigenous-voices for more information and to register.
Note: Registration deadline is Friday Feb 16 1pm EST
Feb 20th
CATIE’s HIV and hepatitis C testing course
CATIE’s HIV and Hepatitis C Testing course aims to develop in-depth knowledge of testing technologies, approaches to testing, and how all service providers play an important role in reaching people with HIV and hepatitis C. Throughout this course, participants learn about the importance of testing for HIV and hepatitis C, what testing technologies exist in Canada, and key considerations to support people throughout the testing process.
By exploring different approaches to testing and the barriers that exist from both an individual-level and system-level, service providers come away with strategies to facilitate testing and linkage to care, treatment, and prevention in their communities and with their clients.
This course runs from February 20th to March 20th, 2024.
Register here.
February 26th
CATIE’s HIV Treatment Training, w/ ACCHO and Black CAP
Starting February 26th, CATIE, in partnership with ACCHO and Black Cap, are delivering a 4-week training course on HIV Treatment for service providers who work with people living with HIV. The purpose of the course is to support frontline Ontario-based service providers serving African, Caribbean, and Black communities. The course supports service providers in learning about HIV treatment and how to support people to consider starting, staying on or resuming treatment.
CATIE’s HIV treatment course aims to develop in-depth knowledge of HIV treatment for frontline service providers working with people who are living with HIV. Throughout this course, participants learn how HIV treatment works in the body, what being on HIV treatment means, and how to support clients through the HIV treatment journey. Course participants will leave this course with strategies on how to support people who are newly diagnosed, starting treatment, changing treatments and staying on treatment.e, or contact info@catie.ca
You can register for the course here: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7487521/HTX-ACCHO-0224
March 4
CSW68: The Privilege Paradigm, Global Community Forum
Join SRHR Hubs for an interactive event to discuss barriers to meaningful participation in the upcoming CSW68 (68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women).
This event starts at 11 AM (ET) on March 4th.
Register here
Participating Orgs List
- Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
- Approach Study
- Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
- Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD)
- Canadian Federation of Medical Students
- Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research
- Matawa Health Co-operative
- National Endometriosis Network
- Period Pin
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Sexfluent
- Young Canadians Roundtable on Health
Poster Distribution
Aire ouverte, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health (ASPSH), Algoma Public Health, Anti Violence Project - University of Victoria Student's Society, AVI Health and Community Services , Biigitong Mno-zhi-yaawgamig, Bow Valley College, Cape Breton Centre for Sexual Health, Carrefour des Jeunes, Centre de santé des femmes de Montréal, Centre de services scolaire de la Capitale, Centre for Sexuality, Centre de santé et service sociaux, CISSSL, Collège Ahuntsic, Dawson College - Student Health Services,Her Campus at uOttawa, Newfoundland Aboriginal Womens Network, Nova Scotia Health, Porcupine Health Unit, Toronto District School Board, CHU Sainte-Justine, Collectif pour le libre choix, Collège Laflèche, Correctional Service Canada - Mountain Institution, Eastern Health- Carbonear Community Services, Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN), File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, FOXY, George Brown College, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital - Sexual Health Service, Halifax Sexual Health Centre, Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre, Island Sexual Health Society Community Health Centre, Klinic Community Health Centre, La Maison Séjour, Le Dispensaire, Local Health Integrative Clinic, Luna Centre, Marine Drive Academy, NL Health Services, Northern Health Region, NorWest Community Health Centres, Nova Scotia Health, Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services, Options for Sexual Health, Planned Parenthood Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Health Centre, Planned Parenthood Ottawa, Planned Parenthood Regina, Planned Parenthood Toronto, Prairie Mountain Health Brandon, Saint Mary's University, Saskatoon Sexual Health, SERC, Sexual Assault Centre Kingston, Sexual Health Centre for Cumberland County, Sexual Health Network of Quebec, Sexual Health Nova Scotia & South Shore Sexual Health, Sheet Harbour Sexual Health Centre, SHORE Centre, Six Nations Health Services, South East Sexual Assault Centre (SESAC), The UM Racialized Equity & Inclusion Alliance, West Central Women's Resource Centre, Women's Health Clinic, YWCA Hamilton, Maple Leaf Foods, South Calgary Primary Care Network's Wellness Centre, Vancouver Island University