New Resource Teaches Sex-Ed as Human Rights

For immediate release

Toronto – What do you wish you’d learned in sex-ed? That’s a Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights has been asking throughout the preparation of the third edition of Beyond the Basics, a resource for educators teaching sexuality and sexual health.

From coast to coast to coast, everyone seems to have something to say and the answers are highly revealing. Sexuality education in Canada (when taught) remains highly varied between school to school, even teacher to teacher. And for the most part, it’s a couple of lessons on anatomy and risk.

“The sex-ed I received didn’t seek to break down problematic aspects of my school environment, where homophobic comments, body-shaming, and sexist jokes were commonplace, and where dominant and constricting notions of masculinity flourished,” says Sandeep Prasad, Executive Director of Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights.

Beyond the Basics takes an approach that is rooted in comprehensive sexuality education—seeking to move the bar beyond anatomy and risk, to ensure students are better prepared to lead empowered sexual lives where they feel comfortable in their own bodies, can exercise their right to bodily autonomy, and are equipped with the skills to challenge oppressive gender norms

“The teaching tools and activities in Beyond the Basics foster cultures of consent, respect for diversity, and critical thinking skills, some of the most valuable things that students can learn in school, which also happen to be some of the hardest things to teach,” adds Prasad.

Covering topics that range from anatomy to consent and healthy relationships, Beyond the Basicsapproaches sexuality education across all gender identities and sexual orientations with activities that help move students from receiving information to making decisions based on critical thinking skills and empowerment.

The foreword was written by family physician and sexual health advocate Dr. Danielle Martin, who has recently made headlines in the US for her support of universal health care.

“As a family doctor, I am deeply supportive of Beyond the Basics and the many educators who will use this book. As a mother, I am grateful for it,” writes Dr. MartinAdding that “Whatever is being discussed in the schoolyards and the basements of the nation must be put into context by educators who have the resources and skills to communicate with young people at every age and stage.”

Beyond the Basics offers educators the tools to teach sex-ed that is comprehensive, evidence-based, and centred around each person’s right to live a healthy, empowered life.

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Media Contact

Ani Colekessian
Communications Officer
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
613-241-4474 ext. 7


  • Mr. Prasad is available for media interviews.
  • Reporters are invited to attend the Toronto launch party of Beyond the Basics. Event details and free tickets are available at: Please identify yourself as a reporter upon registration.
  • Copies of the resource will be sold during the event for 85.00 CAD and available for purchase online at as of September 28th.


ACTION CANADA FOR SEXUAL HEALTH & RIGHTS is a progressive, pro-choice charitable organization committed to advancing and upholding sexual and reproductive health in Canada and globally.

Posted on 2017-09-27
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