Project Coordinator

Screening Questions

Thank you for your interest in the Project Coordinator position at Action Canada! The full job posting is available here. To help in our initial screening, we are asking each candidate to answer the following questions, and use the sections at the end to submit your CV and cover letter.

1. As a non-profit organization, Action Canada’s work is based strongly on its values. We ensure that all employees of the organization are supportive of the core values of the organization. Please review below four of our core values:

We are pro-choice: We believe that all people have the right to make the best choices for them regarding their reproductive health. We firmly support all people’s rights to abortion, and work to improve access to abortion for Canadians.

We are anti-racist and anti-oppressive: We commit as an organization to advancing the rights of all people, and engaging in work internally and externally that forefronts the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and/or racialized people. We take an intersectional approach to our work.

We are pro-2SLGBTQ+: We support the rights of all people to decide freely upon matters related to their sexuality and gender. We know that people of all genders need access to reproductive freedom.

We are pro-sex work: We believe that sex work is work and advance the rights of sex workers to a safe workplace. We do not believe in the criminalization of sex work.

I support the above values.

3. Please indicate your proficiency level in the following languages -

4. Are you located in Ontario or willing to relocate to the province for this position?
One file only.
56 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
One file only.
56 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Should you have difficulties with the application form, or should you require any accommodations or assistance, please email
We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those invited for an interview will be contacted. We sincerely appreciate your time and interest in Action Canada.