Action Canada welcomes Civil Society Partnership Policy as positive step forward

This past February 5, the Government of Canada announced the launch of the International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Civil Society Partnership Policy during the Canadian Council for International Cooperation Leaders’ Forum.

The partnership policy represents a positive step toward civil society’s strengthened collaboration with the Government of Canada on development-related issues. It incorporates the feedback of more than 400 Canadian civil society organizations and outlines the guiding principles for cooperation and engagement with civil society organizations.

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights welcomes the launch of the partnership policy that recognizes the important role that civil society organizations play in realizing human rights and gender equality internationally.

The partnership policy will be guided by the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act (ODAAA), which requires the Government of Canada, and it’s implementing partners, to ensure that development assistance is aligned with international human rights standards. The policy will also institutionalize regular, predictable and transparent policy dialogue with Canadian, international and local civil society organizations in developing countries.

Action Canada works with its partners, governments and civil society to ensure the advancement and realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Canada and globally. We look forward to this new opportunity to meaningfully engage with the Government of Canada on these important issues.

Click here to learn more about the policy

Posted on 2015-02-23
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