Abortion rights are human rights, for everyone, everywhere. We must take action to protect abortion locally, nationally, and globally. Here’s how:
What I can do to help people access abortion in Canada?
- Donate to Action Canada to help people facing financial barriers to abortion
- Call and email your elected officials about universal contraception coverage and increased access to abortion care in your area
- Volunteer with your local sexual health clinic or abortion rights group
What can I do to help people access abortion in the US?
Donate to and support BIPOC-led abortion and reproductive justice organizations like
Donate to local abortion clinics and abortion funds
- Visit https://abortionfunds.org/funds/ to find a local abortion fund
What can I do to help people access abortion globally?
- Donate to support Action Canada’s global advocacy work at the UN
- Learn about Canada’s upcoming Universal Periodic Review, where the UN will review Canada’s track record on human rights
What other issues should I advocate for to help improve abortion access for everyone?
- Climate justice
- Racial justice
- Disability justice
- Safe and affordable housing for all
- Universal basic income and living wages
- Paid sick days
- Status for all/migrant justice
- Comprehensive sexuality education
- Universal contraception coverage
- Sex workers’ rights
Organizations to follow in Canada on issues that intersect with abortion rights
- Acorn Canada
- Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform
- Canadian Anti-Hate Network
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Roots Exchange
- Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD)
- Disability Justice Network of Ontario
- Indigenous Climate Action
- Migrant Rights Network
- Wisdom2Action
What other issues should I advocate for to help improve abortion access for everyone?
- Climate justice
- Racial justice
- Disability justice
- Safe and affordable housing for all
- Universal basic income and living wages
- Paid sick days
- Status for all/migrant justice
- Comprehensive sexuality education
- Universal contraception coverage
- Sex workers’ rights
Organizations to follow in Canada on issues that intersect with abortion rights
- Acorn Canada
- Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform
- Canadian Anti-Hate Network
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Roots Exchange
- Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD)
- Disability Justice Network of Ontario
- Indigenous Climate Action
- Migrant Rights Network
- Wisdom2Action