REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights Brand Identity Project


Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Brand Identity Project 


August 26, 2024 


September 12, 2024 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time. 


Jill Oba-McGrath, Director of Communications and Fund Development

Bidders are advised to read and respond appropriately to all sections of the Request for Proposal (RFP). Bidders unable to provide all services described herein need not bid. 

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights will not accept proposals from bidders with a real or perceived conflict of interest. 



Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights (Action Canada) is a national charitable organization at the forefront of transformative policy change, advocating for the kind of laws, health care access, and education that propel sexual and reproductive rights forward.

Action Canada’s core mission is to advance and uphold reproductive and sexual rights and health, in Canada and globally. We engage in this work in a number of ways, such as frontline service delivery, government relations, policy development and public engagement campaigns.

More information on the organization can be found on our website:

Project Overview and Objectives 

Action Canada is seeking an experienced brand and design agency to support the redesign and redevelopment of the Action Canada brand identity. This fiscal year marks the 10-year anniversary of the inception of Action Canada in its current, amalgamated form, building on a 50-year legacy of our predecessor organizations: n. the Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, Canadians for Choice, the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, and Action Canada for Population and Development. This milestone year coupled with the launch of our new organizational strategic plan has prompted the need to review and revise our current brand identity, from name and logo to visual identity and tone of voice. The outcomes of the project should guide us toward a brand identity that is in closer alignment with the organization’s vision, mission, and values.

We are seeking an agency partner to assist with this project, with key consideration given to the following areas: 

● Market analysis and key stakeholder and focus group interviews
● Name change evaluation and recommendations 

● Brand and wordmark change evaluation and recommendations 

● Updated visual identity, including an updated print and digital style guide ● Voice and tone guidelines for ongoing use 

● Implementation support


We will require a communications plan to be developed alongside the brand identity project and rollout. While not a requirement of the scope of work, if your agency is suited to deliver on a communications plan that would speak to audience engagement and awareness in relation to the brand’s rollout, please outline the scope, budget, and deliverables in your proposal. 

Key Audiences 

Action Canada’s main audiences include current and prospective: 

● Women and people who can get pregnant
● Newsletter subscribers, social media followers 

● Members of Parliament, policy-makers, journalists

● Donors and Funders 

● Regional, National and International coalition partners 

Scope of Work 

Phase 1: Research & Recommendations 

1. Brand Strategy Review & Refinement 

a. Lead internal working sessions to gather and consolidate information regarding Action Canada’s vision, mission, and values, market positioning, brand guidelines, program offerings, noting gaps and/or inconsistencies 

b. Review and understand current and legacy organizational and program naming; navigate and solicit feedback on the relationship between Action Canada’s current brand identity and potential barriers to inclusion for members of equity-deserving groups 

c. Lead audience interviews and/or surveys to determine the current awareness and perception of the Action Canada brand and its programming and key audiences segments

d. Lead a landscape scan to determine Action Canada’s market positioning, perception and awareness in various public, corporate, government, and community segments 

e. Lead an exercise to hone in on Action Canada’s go-forward brand personality and/or archetype, to support decision making in name and visual direction, as well as voice, tone, and brand behaviour 

2. Name Change Evaluation 

a. Perform a combination of primary and secondary research to develop two to three (2-4) alternative names for internal review, with consideration given to English and French translations, if/where required 

b. Perform an initial copyright and trademark search to ensure alternative name options are available on an internal level 

c. Recommend a new web domain for each alternative name 

d. Recommend taglines and/or slogans for the organization and its related programs, as required 

e. Recommend name changes to any ancillary programs, as required and/or permitted 

f. Perform market testing of the alternative names, which may include focus groups with various key audiences, as listed above 


3. Visual Identity Evaluation 

a. Perform research to determine the current performance of Action Canada’s visual identity with key audiences

b. Create 2-4 visual identity options (mood boards or similar) to modernize the Action Canada’s relevance and connection to these key audiences. Include high level recommendations regarding use of animation, illustration, photography, videography, and/or other relevant forms of media 

Phase 1 Deliverables 

● Research summary and recommendations, detailing Action Canada’s current brand perception, gaps and opportunities, and recommendations specific to improving engagement with a broader audience 

● Finalized brand personality and/or archetype, with guidelines for use 

● 2-4 alternative name recommendations and considerations for Action Canada’s review and approval 

● 2-4 visual identity mood board recommendations and considerations for Action Canada’s review and approval 

The completion of Phase 1 will be marked by Action Canada stakeholders approving an alternative name and selecting a visual identity direction. 

Phase 2: Brand Identity Development 

1. Logo Design 

a. Create a primary logo, secondary logo, wordmark, submarks, and icons 

b. Create relevant sub-identity logo treatment for various programs and offerings 

2. Visual Identity 

a. Further develop the chosen visual identity, including 

i. a robust style guide including colour palettes, font and typography, 

imagery and iconography, for both print and digital media 

ii. 5-8 ready-for-use assets, such as letterhead, presentation template, business cards, print ad, digital ad, email template, e-signatures etc. 

iii. Initial suite of brand imagery (illustration, animation, imagery, and/or videography) 

iv. Recommendations additional imagery for future marketing and 

communications in line with the new brand 

3. Brand Voice 

a. Create overarching guidelines and recommendations for Action Canada’s brand tone and voice, as related to the identified brand archetype, name, visual identity, and key audiences. 

b. Provide recommendations on Action Canada’s tone and voice as to be more understanding of, and appealing to, our prioritized audience segments. These will be shared with the winning agency. 

4. Brand Guidelines 

Document requirements and recommendations for brand implementation and use for both Action Canada staff and media partners 

Phase 2 Deliverables 

Logo suite 

Style guide 

5-8 designed assets 

Voice and tone guidelines 

Brand guidelines 

Completion of Phase 2 will be marked by Action Canada’s receipt and approval of all Phase 2 Deliverables. 

Project Timeline 

The Project’s anticipated start date is October 8, 2024. Phase 1 is expected to be completed by February 10, 2024, with Phase 2 completed by May 15, 2024. The new brand identity is expected to have a rolling launch, and may be in use as early as June 30th, 2025. 

Project Budget 

The project has a budget range of approximately $40,000 CDN (excluding HST) over the period of the contract. This includes all third party or administration fees as well as any travel or incidentals that may be proposed as part of the project. We are open to receiving proposals that might be slightly lower or higher than the given range depending on the complexity of the proposal and the activities proposed. 

Minimum Requirements for the Bidder 

The bidder should demonstrate that they: 

1. Have expertise and experience in conducting research and leading consultative processes with national advocacy feminist organizations and equity-deserving groups, including Two Spirit, Indigenous, trans, and BIPOC members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community.
2. Have experience working on and with feminist or reproductive and sexual health-related projects. 

3. Have significant experience completing brand identity projects for organizations of similar scale and scope.

4. Have experience working with bilingual audiences, and producing bilingual assets; or the capacity to do so as outlined in this proposal 

5. Are able to meet the requirements of the project as described in this Request for Proposal; and 

6. Are able to complete all work by June 30, 2025.

Proposal Submission Guidelines 

Proposals must address the following, in addition to any other information you wish to provide: 

1. Equity & Anti-Oppression: Share information and examples of how your organization approaches equity and anti-oppression in your internal systems and external engagements. 

2. Team: Detail the roles and team members that will be assigned to this project as well as their experience applying an ARAO lens to their work; include the tenure of team members assigned to this project, alongside the total number of in-house staff. 

3. Work Plan: Outline your approach to each phase of the project, noting the overall timeline and key milestones. 

4. Work Experience: Describe experience completing brand identity projects for nonprofit advocacy organizations and/or organizations serving marginalized communities or groups.

5. Budget: Detail your proposed pricing structure and standard billing rates, including any non-profit discounts available. 

6. Communication & Workflow: Describe what tools your team will use to communicate with Action Canada, and your general project management process. 

7. Case Studies & References: Provide three (3) case studies and corresponding references of past similarly-scoped projects 

Proposals are not to exceed 20 pages. 

Proposal Evaluation 

Proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee representative of Action Canada staff. A vendor will be chosen based on a bidder’s response to the enclosed service requirements and evaluated according to the criteria listed below: 

Agency Evaluation (45%) 

● Overall capabilities based upon understanding of project scope and activities 

● Qualifications and experience as outlined in the minimum requirements of bidder 

● Demonstrated experience working with national advocacy nonprofit organizations and/or reproductive and sexual health organizations 

● Approach to equity and anti-oppression in internal systems and external engagements

● Team member qualifications 

Proposed Work Plan (45%) 

● Understanding of project, including clarity and relevance of proposal 

● Proposal preparation, thoroughness, and responsiveness to requirements of RFP 

● Quality of the approach to the project and the work plan 

● Outline of deliverables and how they will be met 

● Identification, explanation, and justification of modified tasks and/or unique challenges expected 

Estimation of Project Costs (10%) 

Budget allocations should be commensurate with level of activity in the workplan and reflect value for effort 

Interviews will be conducted with shortlisted candidates between September 16-24. Action Canada reserves the right to schedule a shorter follow-up meeting with the finalist candidate(s).

Any questions or clarifications can be directed to Jill Oba-McGrath, Director of Communications and Fund Development  at

Questions or clarifications subject line must be “Questions for AC Brand Identity Project”

Questions must be submitted in English to no later than September 9, 12:00 pm EST.

Proposals must be submitted in English, in PDF format, to no later than September 12th, 12:00 pm EST

Proposal subject line must be “Proposal for AC Brand Identity Project” by September 12, 5:00 pm ET. 

Action Canada will notify all bidders upon receipt of their proposal, in the form of an email. Action Canada is not responsible for bids that fail to meet this deadline. 


Posted on 2024-08-25
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