Supporting control of our bodies in the hardest of times

In 2023, the world is emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic amidst a global climate emergency, with increasing conflicts and disasters that growingly impact the most marginalized groups. This marks an important moment to reflect on how crises and instability impact our lives. The last four years have seen an uptick in crises with 339 million people currently in need of humanitarian assistance[i], and 2 billion living in areas affected by fragility, conflict, and violence[ii]. We are living in a time of ''polycrises'' marked by pandemics, the climate emergency, growing conflicts, and instability worldwide. In this context, the links between sexual and reproductive health and rights and humanitarian action are becoming more apparent. Supporting SRHR in emergencies is a matter of rights, as well as a practical necessity that contributes to the stability and recovery of affected communities. Yet, support for SRHR in emergencies remains challenging and is often underfunded. 

This report outlines context, best practices, and ongoing conversations on Canada's role in the world in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, specifically in humanitarian contexts.


[i] OCHA. (2022). Global Humanitarian Overview 2023. Available From:…

[ii] United Nations. (2022). ‘War’s Greatest Cost is its Human Toll’, Secretary-General Reminds Peacebuilding Commission, Warning of ‘Perilous Impunity’ Taking Hold. Press Release. 30 March. Available From:….

Supporting Control of our Bodies in the Hardest of Times: Exploration of the potential for Canadian Leadership on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian, Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings
Posted on 2023-12-11
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